Nursing Students' Association 

San Diego City Nursing Students' Association Honors Program

NSA Distinguished Service Cord

Students who demonstrate commitment to the SDCC NSA organization will be recognized at the pinning ceremony with a distinguished service cord.

Qualifications for NSA Honors will be based on a points system and will depend on the student’s attendance and involvement in NSA events.

Traditional track 2-year students will require 30 NSA points to receive the accolade.

LVN-track students will require 20 NSA points to receive the accolade.

*2nd year students in the program’s inaugural year will require 20 NSA points to receive the accolade.

Points will be assigned as follows:

  • Attendance at an NSA meeting: 1 point

  • Organizing an NSA event: 3 points

  • 1 year of satisfactory NSA committee membership: 4 points
    • Satisfactory as determined by committee director
  • Volunteering at a Community Health event: 1 point per hour served

  • Attendance at a Fundraising event: 1 point

  • Attendance at a Fellowship event: 1 point

  • Donation of a uniform piece: 1 point

  • Attendance of a Faculty Meeting: 1 point
    • Attendance must be arranged in advance through NSA. Space is limited.
  • Donation of 10 food pantry items: 1 point
    • Maximum of 1 point per semester

All NSA events eligible for points will have a designated attendance recorder who will report eligible hours.

The Membership Director will keep track of points and eligibility for Distinguished Service Cord.